the Coming War with Iran," which lays out the scenario likely
to unfold if the U.S. And Iran go to war.
In Timmerman's report you'll find out why "Six Days to War" could happen sooner
than you think — as many American assets are already "in position" for an attack.
Timmerman also details the deadliness and unintended consequences of a U.S.
Attack against an increasingly militant Iran.
That attack could come sooner than you think.
As the Bush administration ratchets up the pressure, the chairman of the Joint
Chiefs says the military option is still on the table and warns Iran that the U.S. Can launch massive strikes using Navy and
Air power.
The new American commander in the region, Gen. David Petraeus, has also told
Congress that Iran is supporting Iraqi insurgents, killing Americans. President Bush said in a White House address that Iran,
along with al-Qaida, are "two of the greatest threats to America."
Timmerman's report on the looming war with Iran is based on sources including
top Israeli intelligence officers, military and political leaders interviewed in Israel and Washington, D.C., and a key planning
document, developed by the Iranian navy.
Timmerman is the bestselling author of "Countdown to Crisis: The Coming Nuclear
Showdown with Iran. His "Six Days to War" offers a scenario that represents one likely course, a conflict with Iran might
take, and explores:
Iran's arsenal, including ballistic missiles, Silkworm anti-ship missiles —
and chemical weapons facilities.
The first target of a U.S. Strike
How Iran would launch its counterattack
America's military plan, Operation Clean Slate
Hezbollah's response to the war's outbreak — a rain of missiles on Israel
America's secret war power and technology
The "nightmare scenario" — what if Iran already has nuclear weapons?
How the U.S. Would use its huge air superiority
Retired Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney's "Big George" scenario to disarm Iran
The war's shocking effect on oil supplies — and oil prices
The repercussions in Iraq
How American strikes could cripple the Iranian navy
The U.S. Commando raids that target Iran's missiles
U.S. Bunker busters' devastating effect on Iranian nuclear sites
The scenario's surprising end to hostilities
And much more.
The middle east is, no doubt, a powder keg. I believe there will be a war involving
Iran and Israel before Bush leaves office (7 months). This war could also involve the U.S.
As I have said many times before, I do not believe the U.S. is blessed
as it is, because we call ourselves a Christian nation but because we bless Israel. Remember,
God told Abraham that, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee all families
of the earth shall be blessed. Genesis 12:3
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and pray that the U.S. will always bless the
State of Israel.
Frank L Duncan
6/02/2008 |