Frank Duncan

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David and Barbara Praying
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Today's Devotional
The Cross

"Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple." - Luke 14:27 NASB

Born in turbulent times on this day in 1644, William Penn grew to disappoint his father, Sir William Penn, an admiral in the British navy. Why? Because young William made a radical commitment to follow Jesus. His convictions were so strong that he became a "nonconformist." He studied at Oxford University, but instead of joining the country's elite, he was expelled...because of his faith.

Hoping to change his son's ways, Admiral Penn sent William to Ireland to manage the family estates. Instead, William became even more committed to Christ. He joined the Quakers, a group reviled by respectable society and considered too radical. William would pay a heavy price for his beliefs. During one of four imprisonments, he wrote a book, No Cross, No Crown.

William reminded readers that Jesus said we cannot be His disciples unless we take up our Cross and follow Him. The only thing that mattered to Penn was serving God and following the Cross. He wrote, "No pain, no palm; no thorns; no throne; no gall, no glory; no Cross, no crown." According to William, the end of each life was "to glorify God." Others might hope in traditions, rituals, and other activities, but he wrote that "the only door to true Christianity" was through "the Cross of Christ."

William Penn may be remembered best as the founder of the state of Pennsylvania. Others have looked at his life and seen both successes and failures. But William would tell us that his service to the Kingdom of God and his commitment to the Cross were his most important legacy.

Today, the world needs people with this same kind of passion-people ready to carry their Cross daily and follow Jesus, wherever He leads. Make that your prayer and commitment.

Why did He have to die?


Ive learned...

that when I survey the wondrous cross upon which the young Prince of glory died, I stand amazed and in awe, that He should love such a worm as I.  Love? What manner of love is this, that we should be called the children of God and not children only but heirs and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ?

        Paraphase of song and scripture, arranged by Frank Duncan 

I have heard the story of how Christ died on the cross for me all my life.  What is so amazing is:    I have never been so in awe of the cross as I am today.

Frank Duncan                                  


 If He had not died on that old rugged cross , arose again on the third day and is alive today, we would not have  the promise of eternal life

And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing;
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;
On That old rugged Cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.

When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration,
And then proclaim: "My God, how mighty great Thou art!"

                                                     Words from How great Thou Art

How Great Thou Art website

When He was on the Cross, I was on His mind

Written by: Ronnie Hinson & Mike Payne


I'm not on an ego trip, I'm nothing on my own

I make mistakes and sometimes slip

Just common flesh and bone

But I'll prove some day just why I say

I'm of a special kind

For when He was on the cross

I was on His mind


A look of love was on His face

The thorns were in His head

The blood was on that scarlet robe

And stained it crimson red

Though His eyes were on the crowd that day

He looked ahead in time

For when He was on the cross

I was on His mind


He knew me, yet He loved me

He whose glory makes the Heaven's shine

So unworthy, of such mercy

For when He was on the cross

I was on His mind

For when He was on the cross

I was on His mind



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